Date:  08/11/2011 10:26:23 PM Msg ID:  004314
From:  Dan Rutz Thread:  002845
Subject:  Re: Corrupted file when downloading
     There was a post on 12/06/01 from someone named Faith that mentioned a similar error. Perhaps these are related.
Thank you again,


Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/11/2011 05:15:56 AM:
I have never seen this particular issue before, but it doesn't surprise me, because VFP was designed at a time when hundreds of Megabytes was a huge file size.
Currently there's no automated way to push data in chunks in an optimized manner. My advice is to use trial and error to find the optimum timeout value, while downloading data over the Internet.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Dan Rutz on 08/09/2011 10:56:40 PM:
     Yes, wonderful product.
     I'm using this technique successfully. Then, a couple of days ago, one of our larger downloads exceeded 300MB and we started getting out of memory errors so I made a test of using FREAD() instead of FILETOSTR() which seems to have fixed the FILETOSTR() memory issue but then a different error occurred:

          Script:     classresponse.senddata fwresponse.fxp 
          Error:      1429     OLE IDispatch exception code 61706 from FoxWebCtrl: Insufficient memory to perform operation... 
          Line:       297     ... 
          Previous:   classresponse.flush fwresponse.fxp
      This error happens when I test a 720MB file and it occurs right around chunk number a hundred and three, at a point when the server side has Response.Flushed 515MB but the client has only received about eleven or twelve MB and the channel runs up to its memory limit. So I put a "WAIT TIMEOUT 5" right after "Response.Flush" (per the example below) and was able to pass the whole file in about twelve minutes and the channel memory usage in Task Manager stayed constant at 17MB rather than creeping up in 5MB like it does when there is no timeout. Is there a way to do something like Response.Flush in a non-asynchronous manner so as to not run that channel out of memory. My current guess at a timeout might be useless to help someone download a file if their network connection is slower than mine.
     We're running FoxWeb 4.5 on Server 2003 and testing on Server 2008 R2. Recently we found that our site performed under a load much more consistently with 512MB per channel than with one GB per channel so we'd prefer not to up the memory if we don't have to.
Thank you again for this great software,
Sent by Ali Koumaiha on 02/27/2006 11:53:34 AM:
Worked like a charm.  Awesome..
Love this product
Sent by Ali Koumaiha on 02/25/2006 12:28:01 PM:
Thanks a million... I will try your code on Monday and I will post back with the results.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/24/2006 09:38:38 PM:
After looking a little deeper into the problem, the problem is not caused by timeouts, but rather by VFP's maximum variable size, which is equal to 16,777,184 characters.  I bet that if you check your error log, you will find "String is too long to fit" (1903) errors.  The code in my previous message solves the problem.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/24/2006 08:08:36 PM:
It also seems like the large content size may be causing timing problems.  Try sending the file in chunks:

cfile = request.item('cFile')
IF not empty(cfile)
  * A file was selected in the form
  Response.Buffer = .T.
  FileName = alltrim(cfile)
  FileExtension = UPPER(JustExt(FileName))
  * Verify that the file exists and is one of the authorized types
  IF FILE(FileName)
    * The content type must be changed in order to prevent browsers from displaying certain file types
    ContentType = "application/unknown"
    * Specify file name
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + cFile)
    * Read contents of file into string
    FileContent = ReadFile(FileName)
    * Specify size so that progress bar works properly
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", Server.ToString(LEN(FileContent)))
    Response.ContentType = ContentType
    * Send file to browser in chunks of 5 MB
    M.ChunkSize = 5000000
    FOR M.CurChunk = 1 TO CEILING(LEN(M.FileContent) / M.ChunkSize)

      * Make sure that the script won't time out
      Server.AddScriptTimeout(5, .T.)

      * Send the next chunk
      Response.Write(SUBSTR(M.FileContent, ((M.CurChunk - 1) * M.ChunkSize) + 1, M.ChunkSize))
        Selected file does not exist, please contact IT Support

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Ali Koumaiha on 02/21/2006 07:25:47 AM:
I am using the example provided download.fwx, and i made minor modifications.  I am having 2 problems:
1- Files being downloaded are corrupted.  For example, if i have a small zip file 300K which opens prior to downloading, after it is downloaded via the method/code below, i cannot open the file again.  I tried it with XLS file, BMP file, JPG file, etc..
2- Files that are over 15MB will not download.  I have a file that is 20MB on a LAN (Basically my app is running on the lan), using the method below, the browser IE6 prompts for Save/Open.  When i click save, it acts as if its about to download, and after like 3 minutes or saw, i get a messagebox from IE "Server was reset or something like...etc.."
Do i have to put the files in a the root/accessible and just pass a link to the user?
I really want to use a script to do that.  What are my options.
thanks in advance.

   cfile = request.item('cFile')
IF not empty(cfile)
 * A file was selected in the form
 Response.Buffer = .T.
 FileName = alltrim(cfile)
 FileExtension = UPPER(JustExt(FileName))
 * Verify that the file exists and is one of the authorized types
 IF FILE(FileName)
  * The content type must be changed in order to prevent browsers from displaying certain file types
  ContentType = "application/unknown"
  * Specify file name
  Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + cFile)
  * Read contents of file into string
  FileContent = ReadFile(FileName)
  * Specify size so that progress bar works properly
  Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", Server.ToString(LEN(FileContent)))
  Response.ContentType = ContentType
  Response.Buffer = .T.
  * Send file to browser
  response.write("Selected file does not exist, please contact IT Support")
