Date:  04/01/2010 05:59:42 PM Msg ID:  004153
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  004144
Subject:  Re: Could not Create POST Data File
If you are running FoxWeb as a service , then the service account is the user that you selected for the FoxWeb service in Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > FoxWeb > Properties > Log On As.
The error message you are getting probably means that the user that foxweb.dll or foxweb.exe are running as. This is not the FoxWeb service user, but rather the anonymous internet user.
The easiest way to deal with this is to add the Everyone group in the permissions for c:\temps and make sure that this group has Full Access privileges. Once this works, you can start playing with privileges, until you have the desired configuration.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Fernando Medan on 04/01/2010 05:41:12 PM:

The server has enough disk space.
The message is:

Could not Create POST Data File c:\temps\FWT90.tmp 

c:\temps is the Temp Directory field of the FoxWeb Control Center.

What exactly is the service user account FoxWeb?

Fernando Medan

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 04/01/2010 02:29:14 PM:
The only possible cause of this error is FoxWeb's inability to write to the temp folder. I seriously doubt that your server does not enough disk space to hold the uploaded data, so this must be a permissions error.
The temp location is specified in the "Temp. Directory" field of the FoxWeb Control Center. Please verify that you are working with the correct location. Also, you may need to reboot, or run IISRESET from a command line (older versions of IIS may require this).
If you are still stuck after verifying the location and user rights, we can try to look at your server via remote desktop. You will need to send us connection informationto
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Fernando Medan on 04/01/2010 07:34:17 AM:

The temporary directory was assigned to a user "Everyone", with read/write access, but display the message "Could not Create POST Data File"
Thanks for any help.
Fernando Medan

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 03/18/2010 02:07:22 PM:
When the size of incoming data is larger than 100 MB, FoxWeb saves it to a file in the FoxWeb temp folder (in your case c:\temps). You must make sure that FoxWeb has rights to read and write in this directory and that there's enough free disk space. Potentially there are two users involved: The user that the ISAPI or CGI module is running under and the FoxWeb service user. This is a temporary directory, dedicated to FoxWeb data, so the simplest solution would be to give "Everyone" read/write access. If you need more granular security, you will need to determine the IIS anonymous user, unless you are using HTTP Basic/Integrated authentication, in which case you will also need to handle the authenticated site users.
FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by Fernando Medan on 03/18/2010 10:22:19 AM:
We are running VFP9, FoxWeb 4.3, and IIS 5.2 on a Windows 2003
I am runing FoxWeb as a service.
The problem we are having involves the upload of very large files (>100 mb),
returned the following message:

Could not Create POST Data File c:\temps\FWTE4.tmp
The directory c:\temps

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Fernando Medan